Ramp up your defenses with proactive cybersecurity

Cyberthreats are becoming more sophisticated every day, and if your business isn’t taking steps to protect itself from these threats, it faces a high risk of falling victim. This can cause you to lose valuable data or even go out of business. In this blog post, we will discuss what proactive cybersecurity is and how it can help protect your business against ever-evolving cyberthreats.

A short guide to IT security lingo

As more and more businesses move their operations online, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been greater. However, many employees are still unfamiliar with many cybersecurity terms. Here are some of the most commonly used terms in IT security.

Why Your Current Antivirus, Backup, And Firewall Have Been Rendered Completely USELESS (And What You Need To Do About It)

At the end of World War I, German engineer Arthur Scherbius constructed a device that would become central in another worldwide conflict of unimaginable magnitude over 20 years later: the Enigma machine. The machines, which steadily became more complex with each iteration, consisted of a series of rotors that, by themselves, encrypted messages input via the attached typewriter. Each rotor performed a simple substitution cipher, but when run through multiple rotors, the encryption reached a staggering level of complexity.

What exactly is proactive cybersecurity?

Most managed IT services providers (MSPs) promise “proactive” cybersecurity consulting. Businesses large and small embrace the idea of preventing cyberattacks and data breaches before they happen, and MSPs themselves would much rather brainstorm safeguards than troubleshoot time-sensitive downtime events.