Demarc and Circuit Extensions

Stay in communication as your business grows

Fast, easy, and smooth wiring expansions

If you are planning to expand or upgrade your carrier services, or are looking to add new office space at your current location, SanTrac Technologies can assist with the installation of your internet, intranet, and phone services. Depending on your needs and the layout of the site, the public/private demarcation points and circuit extensions can vary greatly. SanTrac has experience performing demarc extensions in a variety of environments. We can help determine your cabling needs and provide you with excellent service so your office expansion meets your exact requirements.

Leverage SanTrac’ Demarc and Circuit Extension expertise to:

  • Navigate various ever-changing demarc industry standards
  • Better manage your transition project's time and resources
  • Gain peace of mind knowing your network is up for any task
  • Ensure your system has been routed, connected, labeled, and tested to the highest compliance standards

Our licensed and certified engineers will analyze your business needs and make targeted recommendations for network improvements that will provide the best possible ROI.

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