Equipment Rack and Stack

Efficient, flexible hardware configurations by the experts

Organized, efficient, safe

The physical placement of your IT hardware may seem like an elementary topic, but it can have significant impacts on your system’s performance and durability. Furthermore, hardware that has been improperly installed or housed can cause difficulty or expensive mistakes during future system upgrades. Partner with SanTrac to avoid these pitfalls. Our technicians are experts in racking and stacking your IT system components in ways that ensure maximum safety, cooling, longevity, expandability, and maintenance access.

SanTrac’s team has broad expertise in:

  • Ensuring compatibility between power sources, components, and cords
  • Matching component brands to cabinets, racks, and rail types
  • Ensuring the most efficient use of floor and rack space for your IT system
  • All rack and stack equipment installations
  • Heat and cooling management

Our licensed and certified engineers will analyze your business needs and make targeted recommendations for network improvements that will provide the best possible ROI.

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