Productivity-boosting extensions for Google Chrome

Many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) grapple with information overload and tedious tasks that hinder productivity. Google Chrome extensions provide a compelling solution, equipping teams with a set of features to optimize workflows. In this article, we explore some helpful extensions and discover how they can help your team become more productive.

5 Tactics to boost website conversion

High website traffic isn't everything. Even with a flood of visitors, conversion rates might be stagnant, meaning those visitors aren't taking the actions you desire, such as signing up for your newsletter or making a purchase. The good news is there are strategies to boost conversion rates.

How to secure your webcam on Windows PCs

Webcam hacking has become a serious issue in recent years. Hackers can gain access to your webcam without your knowledge, allowing them to monitor your activities, record private conversations or take compromising photos or videos. This invasion of privacy can have devastating consequences for individuals and businesses alike.

Caught in a Pig Butchering Scam?

Pig butchering…no, not the kind that happens on a farm and begets pork and bacon!

It also refers to a type of investment scam, which originated in China and has since spread to other countries. It is called “pig butchering” because the scammers use a technique called “raising a pig” to lure them to slaughter…or in this case, lure victims into investing in a fake company or project.

What Is the Cyber-Threat Landscape?

Cyber threats are diverse and constantly evolving. From traditional malware and phishing attacks to sophisticated nation-state cyber espionage, the threat landscape is vast. Ransomware attacks have surged, impacting critical infrastructure, healthcare, and financial systems.

AI: Friend and Foe in Cybersecurity

Did you know? The world of cybersecurity is a race.

As attackers develop ever more sophisticated tactics, defenders need powerful tools to stay ahead. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, offering security teams a powerful edge in threat detection, response, and even prediction.