
Tech tips, news, and expert insights

23andMe…and Threat Actors Too!


Are you familiar with the ancestry and biotechnology service, 23andMe? More than 14M people around the world use their website!

In December 2023, 23andMe confirmed a data breach that affected 6.9 million users. Hackers accessed data including names, birth years, relationship labels, DNA shared percentages, ancestry reports, and self-reported locations.

Is Your Smart Phone Spying on You?


How often has a friend, coworker or family member introduced you to something for the first time…only for it to show up on your Instagram and Facebook feeds next time you log in?

It’s a popular theory that smart phones are covertly listening in on our conversations to target ads and personalize our online experiences.

Safe Surfing: Circumvent Spam and Scams


Sick of getting spam emails? Tired of almost falling for scams?

Cybercriminals have only gotten smarter, and therefore more adept at tricking regular, and even security-aware, people into falling for their tactics.

Thankfully, technology has developed alongside cyber-threats to help protect our data.

Are Your Devices Spying on You?

Have you ever stopped to wonder… in our digital age, is your trusted technology more observant than you realize? Let’s dive into the world of digital surveillance! 

As technology rapidly evolves, it’s blurring the lines between helpful monitoring and privacy invasion.