
Tech tips, news, and expert insights

3 Security advantages of the cloud

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) no longer need to view cybersecurity as an insurmountable challenge. Cloud technology has transformed the security landscape, providing SMBs with access to enterprise-level solutions without having to maintain extensive in-house IT infrastructure or staff.

5 Signs It’s Time To Update Your Software (And How To Do It Safely)

Software updates can feel like a nuisance, but skipping them is one of the easiest ways to leave your systems vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Hackers are constantly looking for weaknesses, and outdated software is like an open door to your network.

But how do you know when it’s time to update, and should you always trust your computer to tell you? Here are five clear signs it’s time to update, plus tips on how to handle updates safely.

The S.E.C.U.R.E. Method To Stop Phishing E-mails

Phishing attacks are the most common cybercrime attack for one reason…they work. Every day, over 3.4 billion spam e-mails reach unsuspecting users’ inboxes. Phishing e-mails have held the top spot as the most frequent form of attack for years because they’re easy to implement, easy to scale and continue to fool people.